Saturday, March 7, 2009


Thank you so much for the comments you send me. Please feel free to post your comments directly onto the appropriate part of the site but in the meantime I thought you might enjoy some of the more recent thoughts, observations and exchanges.

Headline in U.S.A. Today: Mortgage Collapse Started in Few Areas. They
have a map that says it all--and there are other stories out now on radio
and TV. picking up the thread. When you really crunch it, it was the
housing developments I pointed out in Southern California, central valley,
and in particular, Pahrump/Las Vegas that triggered the collapse. This
Paper was used to leverage on Wall St. Saw this years ago and told my dad to sell his Palm Springs crib--everyone saw this coming. ...The larger
consequences for the economy were sounded clearly by Paul Krugman and others.

On the national scene, half of the foreclosures are in only 35
Counties--the majority in California, Nevada.

Increasingly, it seems possible to pin this whole thing on hookers in
Pahrump who became real estate agents.

I don't know if you're right but I love the idea of the hookers f…ing the
World rather than the other way around.


The following was addressed to me about my articles regarding the fast disappearing economy;

Another good one and so true. Slowly emerge step by step out of the madness and the chaos. I love your blogs....

My article about “Family” provoked the following observations. I was especially moved by the wonderful and warm loving reactions of many members of my own family. I took the decision not to print their remarks since some stuff should remain personal. Suffice it to say I am proud of them and proud to share their love, which is entirely mutual.

I loved this blog.
I am going to send it to work colleagues and family!

That was really heartfelt and lovely, Tony

Bravo!!! Many more!

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