Sunday, August 3, 2008


Once in a while you have to adapt to circumstances. One was my plea for adoption to Bill Gates yesterday. Despite my being an orphan, Bill has not responded with an offer. I am ready, and I would call you daddy or whatever else you’d like Bill. I’d fetch you coffee every morning, and listen respectfully to your every utterance.

Still nothing? OK, it’s plan B, I shall be looking for another adopter.

I was considering making a proposal to the Royal Family, but I’m unsure whether they would readily adopt a middle aged Jewish fellow into the family. I admit that I am not religious, but I am not too confident that I’d want to become the Defender of the Faith, especially if the faith is not my own. But we can adapt if they adopt.

Yesterday we had some of our extended family at home for a get together and it was great fun. We’re very fortunate that everyone gets on sufficiently well to want to repeat these gatherings even when it’s not an official holiday.

Today we are in a playful mood because it’s my wife’s birthday. Grandchildren and children, chocolate cakes, presents and various paraphernalia, have surrounded us and it has been great fun.

Now we’re off to my cousin’s home where the rest of my family lay in wait. We do these kinds of things as regularly as we can to keep our sense of unity alive even when there are no weddings or funerals or other obligatory functions to attend.

Similarly we arranged a Klinger gathering in California a couple of months back. No family is perfect, you can’t ask more than for them to be more than interesting.

All you really want when you discover your family’s attributes is that they are pleasant, maybe even attractive, but definitely not asking you for money!

That’s where you come in Your Majesty.