Saturday, June 14, 2008


Years ago I predicted that someone, and I named Apple, would come up with one package that included all your hand held computing, phone, camera, information and organizational needs; Apple’s new iPhone has achieved this. This new draft of the iPhone is being released on July 11th.

I come to praise the new iPhone not to bury it. I am, it has to be admitted up front, an unashamed fan of most things Apple. I have several Mac products at home and in business, and generally they live up to their brilliant design, packaging and marketing. To put it into perspective this mobile is twice as fast and half as much to buy. That will sound good to everyone. I don’t want to pretend to excessive technical knowledge. I neither know nor care how the thing works, but rather, that it does what it says on the packet. I still have connection difficulties with my solid state MacBook Air when I’m on wifi at home and my security password is in place. Even with all kinds of patches and fixes and technical support we’re still struggling unless I take down the security. So, I’m not a crazy Apple fan, I see faults when they’re there. Not only do I have several Macs at home and business but when I was in charge of such things at a university I also purchased several hundred thousands of dollars of their kit, mostly good, but occasionally with the odd problems attached. With the new iPhone I don’t conceptually see any faults.

Clearly this is the iPhone that should have been released in the first place, but I guess Apple were feeling pressured and had to get the 2G version out last year or suffer from anxious shareholders. The new, 3G version, is a quantum leap forward.

I have not been handed a phone to play with nor am I a Beta tester but I have been following progress via the web and other users. My daughter was an early owner of the previous version but was instantly depressed by the knowledge of the impending, apparent redundancy of her phone. Apple have announced that they will be supplying free downloads and upgrades to this generation of users but it’s not clear whether these patches will compare with the new phone.

One of the big leaps forward is Apple opening up their doors to outside developers. In fact they are actively encouraging them, which is great news. More innovation on an already great platform has got to be desirable. Some of the new Applications already demonstrated are fantastic. Equally amazing is the fact that the developers have managed to deliver on their developments in just a few weeks. This means that the development processes are simple to work with as well as being brilliantly designed and engineered.

I loved the fact that everything you have will now synchronize seamlessly and effortlessly. Stuff that was a real pain will more or less just happen, oh happy days when I can synch my various electronic diaries, photos and media, information and e-mails without having to think about it. When my information is being securely stored without a second’s worry. Oh happy days have arrived with the iPhone.

I’m not a great games player, being more interested in their development, but the iPhone gives a whole new dimension to mobile games playing that millions of people are going to love.

I won’t bore you with the technical specifications, which are stunning, nor will I carry on extolling the virtues of almost every aspect of this amazing piece of kit for fear of it being too obvious that I can’t wait to see the new iPhone be rolled out. I will leave you with the thought that when the new iPhone is available it is going to make every other hand held device redundant; and I want one!