Friday, September 12, 2008


Lately there have been some extraordinary decisions in the English justice system. Amongst the most absurd was the finding of the Maidstone Crown Court, which this week decided that some ecological activists had not broken the law when they had intentionally shut down the Kingsworth power station during their protest.

Apparently, so the argument went during the trial, if the supposed greater evil being stopped is bad enough, then it is within the law to break the law and stop the perfectly legal generation of power.

The “evil” of the power station is that places like it are supposedly going to destroy our planet, and therefore it is to the greater good to put a stop to it.

In other words, it doesn’t matter if you act illegally to stop something that the politically correct consider bad or evil, because even when you’re caught breaking the law you will be let off by the justice system. This can only lead down a very slippery slope in which there will be no law.

We cannot allow passing fads, fashionable thinking or transient convenience to overcome common sense or the law.