Monday, October 13, 2008


I received a comment from the son of one of the people I listed as having filed for bankruptcy. This stated simply that they were not aware of their father, now deceased, having ever been bankrupt. I apologized for my listing Harry Saltzman as it is apparently in error.

I remember someone saying the same, in error, about my late father, and I remember being upset about it as he had never been bankrupt, but had wound up one of his companies, after he had personally paid all the individuals owed money by that company from his personal account.

So this is a genuine apology as I was trying to point to the bravery of the people listed, not cast negatives in their direction.

More relevant still is the fact that I was broke in my fairly distant past, and it was very rough but I am living proof that you can come through it and do well in the future. I have a relative in the States who I think was bust two or three times and is now worth several hundred million dollars. I am very positive about people who get knocked down but get up and do it all better the next time around.

That's what I hope is going to happen for our countries who are also flat on their bums right now, but if I am any judge are going to crawl off of the canvas and get up better than ever. But I do mean to get my facts right, so I apologize any time I don't!

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