Monday, April 20, 2009


For those of you who follow my articles you are already aware that on Mondays in particular I can get angry about our governments and their stupidity or our suicidal economic leaders.

Particularly in the UK, one day before our major budget, when we are all aware that the news will not be good, the taxes will have to be higher, the costs and expenditure cut back and the public works put back.

This is all exacerbated when one’s own bank write an e-mail letter to state that yes, you’re meeting, in fact exceeding your agreement with us, which proves you could do even more, so let’s talk about increasing your payments!

Have these people no morality, no sense of fair play, or is it just these idiots that have to be bailed out?

Think about their lunacy when a bank attacks a customer who is exceeding his obligations. This is, by the way, the same bank that is now virtually nationalized since it was so much in debt that it was going under.

Step forward into the spotlight and take a bow NatWest Bank, a subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Scotland, which is now just a collection of low level bankers run by a bunch of incompetent twits from the Civil Service who are, in turn managed, by third rate, soon to be out of office politicians.

Thank the Lord I am not in the hands of these lunatics as I am not reliant on them, but many millions of others are, and the bankers plainly have no clue what to do.

My blood pressure was probably going up when I saw the offending e-mail this morning, but then I looked out of the window and saw the wonderful first signs of Spring, the sun shining, the grass with that special English green sheen, and the clouds skipping by in the clear blue sky and good sense returned to me. Soon it will be summer, and it won’t be long before there will be another turn in the affairs of man and no doubt things economic will turn, until the next time.

In the meantime I shall take a slow stroll in the soft spring air, and feel the embrace of balmier air as people’s faces relax with smiles of better times ahead.

And, as far as the bank’s communication is concerned; Where’s that shredder?