Thursday, November 20, 2008


This week someone published the BNP membership list on the net. The BNP is the British National Party, and for those of you that still don’t understand, they are a bunch of fellow traveling National Socialists, still don’t get it? The BNP are Nazis in all but name.

Apparently, and somewhat hilariously, the BNP Party Leader, Nick Griffin, is disgusted that a supposedly disgruntled ex-employee should stoop so low that he or she had seen fit to expose his previous fellow travelers.

Personally I am delighted that these swamp people are now exposed to the rest of us. They are racists dressed up as nationalists and they follow the same general principles as Hitler and his stooges of the Third Reich. Anything that can be done within the law to damage this group of evil and stupid people is not only permissible but should be compulsory.

I admit to a prejudice against Nazis born out of the fact that I’m Jewish and anti racist and many members of my own family were murdered for being Jewish by bastards such as these. So if these deluded BNP pinheads lose their jobs or friends or previous high regard now that their secret is revealed I really don’t care, I delight in the fact.

By the way their claims for racial purity and superiority are also misguided and inaccurate. Once, not so long ago when I was a Director of a department of an East London University we checked out the backgrounds of 100 local people who regarded themselves as pure English. It turned out that only 7 people qualified and all the rest were a dolly mixture of different origins.